Physical Activity Researcher
Hello and Welcome to Physical Activity Researcher Podcast! Physical Activity Researcher Podcast is the source of the latest research findings on all things related to physical activity, exercise, and health. World-renowned scientists and experts as guests in an informal and relaxed interview style format. New episodes on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. The podcast is for anyone who likes to learn scientific and evidence-based knowledge of physical activity, exercise, and health. Our listeners range from researchers to health and fitness professionals, and from inactive office workers to marathon runners. Podcast has several series and hosts each concentrating on different aspects of physical activity: Physical Activity Researcher Series The latest research findings in exercise physiology, biomechanics, physical education, coaching sciences, sport psychology, epidemiology, and public health. These episodes are hosted by researcher and entrepreneur Dr Olli Tikkanen. Meaningful Sport Series Meaningful Sport is dedicated to the exploration of meaning and meaningful experiences in sport and physical activity. Many studies have revealed instrumental benefits of physical activity, but is there something more to it, and how does it contribute to meaningful lives? This series is led by Associate Professor Noora Ronkainen. The series provides inspiration for exploring the meaning and value in sport and physical activity for everyone. Practitioner’s Viewpoint Series Practitioner’s Viewpoint Series has health and fitness professionals as guests. How they see sedentary behaviour and physical activity in their work? What are the best practices to promote physical activity? This series is for you if you are a Personal Trainer, Physiotherapist, Medical Doctor, Health Coach, or anyone working as a health and fitness professional. This series is lead by physiotherapist MSc Liis Kukkonen. Publishing schedule: Tuesdays: Physical Activity Researcher Series Friday: Meaningful Sport Series Sundays: Practitioner’s Viewpoint Series. + Bonus episodes and republications of past highlight episodes We hope you find value in the podcast! -Podcasting team-
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
How to Record and Measure Sedentary Behaviours? ISPAH webinar - Dr Jennifer Blankenship
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
How to Record and Measure Sedentary Behaviours? ISPAH webinar - Dr Jennifer Blankenship
This is an audio version of ISPAH's webinar.
First in a muli-part series of webinars from the Sedentary Behaviour Council.
ISPAH's Sedentary Behaviour Council hosted a webinar on the measurements and analysis of sedentary behaviour. This included a hands-on experience of data cleaning and analysis. Topics and speakers:
1. Data collection: How to record and measure sedentary behaviours? - Dr Jennifer Blankenship
2. Data analysis: How to handle, clean and analyse sedentary behaviours data? (Hands-on experience - demonstration software/analysis) - Dr Ben Maylor
3. Statistical analysis: What are the available methods to analyse sedentary behaviours data - Dr Sebastien Chastin
You can access the webinar (with video and slides) on Youtube:
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Catrine Tudor-Locke, PhD, FACSM, FNAK is Professor and Dean of the College of Health and Human Services. Dean Tudor-Locke is a walking behavior researcher and a recognized world leader in objective physical activity assessment and promotion, specifically focused on pedometer or accelerometer-determined ambulatory activity captured as steps/day across the lifespan.
With funding from many public agencies and private foundations, Dean Tudor-Locke has established an internationally recognized research program on the promotion of walking throughout the lifespan and the development of objective measures of physical activity using wearable technology.
She has more than 280 articles published or in press in leading physical activity journals and has presented at many national and international conferences resulting in more than 150 abstracts or conference presentations.
This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring
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Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Dr Richard Huysmans is driven by the challenge of building outstanding careers beyond the PhD. He knows what it takes to transition out of academia, into entrepreneurship, having done so himself. He has helped 100s of researchers, and is equally adept at building grant success, growing collaboration, engaging industry & obtaining funding. His strategic approach brings the research and business sectors together to ensure careers have impact.He works with researchers & entrepreneurs in roles such as Research Manager, Centre & Institute Director, Deputy & Pro Vice-Chancellor of Research & Faculty Manager. Recent projects have included building research teams, translating research into practice, engaging industry & establishing & reviewing research centres.
Learn more:
Here is some programs Richard is offering:
Writing your thesis in 15 weeks – a 15 week program supporting PhD students to get through their PhD faster and easier.
Writing your journal article in 12 weeks – if you’re struggling to get a journal article written, this program might help you break through that final barrier. It’s 15 weeks (some slack built in) of weekly meetings and tips to get your journal article submitted to and published in a peer reviewed journal.
Project Management for Researchers (1/2 day workshop) – if you’re running a research project, as a student, academic or administrator, it can be hard to find a useful model of management. This workshop will look at Project Management Models that work in research, and we’ll help you apply the tools to your project(s).
This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring
Learn more about Fibion:
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Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
This is the second part of our conversation with Prof. em. R. Scott Kretchmar on meaningful movement experiences. In the first part, we explored why sport could be valuable as a "mere" hobby, and three approaches to physical education - prudential, affective and intellectual - and why they might be problematic when we are seeking to promote meaningful experiences.
In the second part, we start exploring why challenging experiences are valuable, why the work of Eleanor Metheny is important for our understanding of meaningful movement, and storytelling and identity in sport. We then move on to discussing Scott´s work together with Nick Watson on Chesterton and theology of play. See Chesterton on play, work, paradox, and Christian orthodoxy.
R. Scott Kretchmar is a Professor Emeritus of exercise and sport science at Penn State University, Pennsylvania. He is one of the leading philosophers of sport whose work has explored a range of topics, including in the area of values and meaning in physical activity and ethics of sport.
Liked this episode? You might also like the episode with Drs Déirdre Ní Chróinín and Tim Fletcher on Meaningful PE and Greg Dryer on Whether Fun is a Necessary Part of Good PE
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Part 2. This is audio from ProPASS ECR network webinar. In the third webinar (2nd December) we will hear from Prof. Ulf Ekelund and Dr Jakob Tarp on harmonisation methods. Pooling individual participant data from several research projects may not always be feasible. This talk will cover examples of meta-analyses/data harmonizations performed without transfer of original data.
The Prospective Physical Activity, Sitting and Sleep consortium (ProPASS)
ProPASS is an international research collaboration platform of cohorts using thigh-worn accelerometry to explore the effects of physical activity, posture, and sleep patterns on a wide range of health outcomes. The objectives of the consortium are:
to establish a pooled data resource on physical activity, posture allocation, sleep, and health outcomes;
to develop methods for processing, harmonising, and pooling data of existing such studies;
to develop methods for collecting data for future studies (prospective harmonization);
The ultimate goal of the ProPASS consortium as a data resource is to promote collaborative individual participant and prospective meta-analyses on physical activity, posture, and sleep.
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Prof. Wojtek Chodzko Zajko is the Shahid and Ann Carlson Khan Endowed Professor of Applied Health Sciences and Dean of the Graduate College at the University of Illinois. In his role as Dean of the Graduate College, Chodzko-Zajko leads campus efforts in setting policies, defining standards, and enabling excellence in graduate programs, graduate research, and graduate student life. With graduate programs in more than 100 disciplinary areas, the Graduate College at the University of Illinois fosters a vibrant campus community of scholars.
In his professional life, Chodzko Zajko remains active in the dissemination of information about healthy aging through his work on several major professional advisory boards. He served on the World Health Organization committee that developed the WHO Guidelines for Physical Activity among Older Persons. Chodzko-Zajko was the Principal Investigator for a series of projects charged with developing a national strategy for promoting healthy aging in the USA. He currently serves on the Executive Committee of the AAU Association of Graduate Schools and on the Board of Directors of the GRE. Chodzko-Zajko was the founding Editor of the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity from 1992-2002. He served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the American Council on Exercise and is a Past-President of the American Kinesiology Association. Prior to assuming his current position, Chodzko-Zajko served for many years as the head of the department of Kinesiology and Community Health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring
Learn more about Fibion:
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Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Dr Richard Huysmans is driven by the challenge of building outstanding careers beyond the PhD. He knows what it takes to transition out of academia, into entrepreneurship, having done so himself. He has helped 100s of researchers, and is equally adept at building grant success, growing collaboration, engaging industry & obtaining funding. His strategic approach brings the research and business sectors together to ensure careers have impact.He works with researchers & entrepreneurs in roles such as Research Manager, Centre & Institute Director, Deputy & Pro Vice-Chancellor of Research & Faculty Manager. Recent projects have included building research teams, translating research into practice, engaging industry & establishing & reviewing research centres.
Learn more:
Here is some programs Richard is offering:
Writing your thesis in 15 weeks – a 15 week program supporting PhD students to get through their PhD faster and easier.
Writing your journal article in 12 weeks – if you’re struggling to get a journal article written, this program might help you break through that final barrier. It’s 15 weeks (some slack built in) of weekly meetings and tips to get your journal article submitted to and published in a peer reviewed journal.
Project Management for Researchers (1/2 day workshop) – if you’re running a research project, as a student, academic or administrator, it can be hard to find a useful model of management. This workshop will look at Project Management Models that work in research, and we’ll help you apply the tools to your project(s).
This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring
Learn more about Fibion:
Collect, store and manage SB and PA data easily and remotely -
Discover new Fibion SENS Motion:
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Meaningful movement experiences are a key interest to physical educators and others seeking to understand our movement culture practices. But how meaningfulness might arise is a difficult question. From the pursuit of excellence or the pursuit of modest competence in our sporting activities? If sport is "mere" hobby, can it still be very meaningful? What about the physical education context - which strategies seem promising for facilitating meaningful experiences? What is the role of challenging and tough experiences? These questions are at the heart of our conversation with Professor Scott Kretchmar, one of the leading philosophers of sport.
R. Scott Kretchmar is a Professor Emeritus of exercise and sport science at Penn State University, Pennsylvania. His work has explored a range of topics, including in the area of values and meaning in physical activity and ethics of sport.
Prof. Kretchmar's works discussed in this episode include:
Sport as a (mere) hobby: in defense of 'the gentle pursuit of a modest competence'
Moving and being moved: Implications for practice
Movement subcultures: Sites for meaning
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Accelerometer Harmonisation Methods (Pt1) - ProPASS Webinar - Prof. Ulf Ekelund and Dr Jakob Tarp
Part 1. This is audio from ProPASS ECR network webinar. In the third webinar (2nd December) we will hear from Prof. Ulf Ekelund and Dr Jakob Tarp on harmonisation methods. Pooling individual participant data from several research projects may not always be feasible. This talk will cover examples of meta-analyses/data harmonizations performed without transfer of original data.
The Prospective Physical Activity, Sitting and Sleep consortium (ProPASS)
ProPASS is an international research collaboration platform of cohorts using thigh-worn accelerometry to explore the effects of physical activity, posture, and sleep patterns on a wide range of health outcomes. The objectives of the consortium are:
to establish a pooled data resource on physical activity, posture allocation, sleep, and health outcomes;
to develop methods for processing, harmonising, and pooling data of existing such studies;
to develop methods for collecting data for future studies (prospective harmonization);
The ultimate goal of the ProPASS consortium as a data resource is to promote collaborative individual participant and prospective meta-analyses on physical activity, posture, and sleep.
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Lessons Learned from Individual Systematic Review - Dr Pieter Coenen (Pt2)
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
In 2009 Pieter Coenen obtained my MSc degree at the faculty of human movement sciences (VU University, Amsterdam) after which Pieter Coenen started his PhD program. In his PhD project he studied the aetiology of musculoskeletal pain in workers, which ultimately resulted in his thesis ‘On the origin of back pain’. In the meantime, he successfully finalized his epidemiological education, granting him the official title of ‘Epidemiologist’. He currently hold a post-doctoral research position at the department of Public and Occupational Health (EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center), which he combine with and adjunct research position at Curtin University (Perth, Australia).
From 2014 to 2016, he has been working as post-doctoral researcher at Curtin University (Perth, Australia). In this period, he has expanded my knowledge on human physical (in)activity, prevention and management of musculoskeletal pain and epidemiological research methodologies.His research focus is on the promotion of healthy work environments, in particular from the perspective of physical (in)activity and workload. His research includes epidemiological studies on the health consequences of work-related biomechanical exposure and physical (in)activity at work, development of risk assessment tools for (occupational) safety and health, work-site interventions for healthy work environments and systematic reviews on health effects of work-related factors and interventions.
This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring
Learn more about Fibion:
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Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
How to Health Coach Better? MSc Jason Gootman (Pt2) - Practitioner’s Viewpoint Series
Jason is a Mayo Clinic certified wellness coach; he has a Master´s degree in exercise physiology and a certification in sports nutrition and strength and conditioning.
How to coach someone who wants to improve their biometrics like blood-sugar levels, blood pressure, and blood-cholesterol levels and on top of that improve their overall well-being via lifestyle improvements.
Within that topic we are going to touch on the role of automatic affective evaluations and a reflective attitude in motivation to exercise and physical activity.
This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring
Learn more about Fibion:
Collect, store and manage SB and PA data easily and remotely -
Discover new Fibion SENS Motion:
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Backcasting methodology starts from the future. What kind of sport do we want to have in 2050? What are the steps we need to take to get there? In this second part of our conversation with Alexandra Köves and Attila Szathmári, we explore degrowth thinking in the world of sport and what kind of vision masters students in sports economics developed for the future of sport in a backcasting project.
Our conversation mainly draws on the guests' recent work, co-authored with Orsolya Herr, "The vision of sustainable sport in a backcasting research" (Economy & Society, 2021).
Dr Alexandra Köves is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Business Economics at Corvinus University of Budapest. She is an ecological economist researching Degrowth, sustainable employment and sustainable business. Her other research projects involving backcasting include Backcasting for sustainable employment: a Hungarian experience and Inner drives: Is the future of marketing communications more sustainable when using backcasting? She is also hosting the podcast Economics for Rebels.
Attila Szathmári is a PhD candidate and Assistant Lecturer at the Institute of Business Economics at Corvinus University of Budapest and a Commentator on Eurosport. His work has explored sustainability, (elite) sport and Degrowth perspectives. His other studies on sport and sustainability include Who cares about Gladiators? An elite-sport-based concept of Sustainable Sport and 'I wouldn't do anything differently... Although I won't let my child go in that direction': Successful Hungarian Olympians' understandings and experiences at the close of elite sport careers.
Liked this episode? You are likely to find the related episodes with Gunnar Breivik and Sigmund Loland interesting.
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Implementation of Thigh Worn Accelerometry (Pt2) - Propass Webinar - Dr Matt Brown and Prof. Mark Hamer
Part 2. This is audio from ProPASS ECR network webinar. In the second webinar (24th November) we will hear from Dr Matt Brown and Prof. Mark Hamer on the implementation of thigh worn accelerometry in the 1970 British Cohort Study. In 2016 a biomedical sweep of the 1970 British Cohort study included 7 day thigh worn accelerometry measures. Matt and Mark's talk will focus on the implementation of the accelerometry data collection.
The Prospective Physical Activity, Sitting and Sleep consortium (ProPASS)
ProPASS is an international research collaboration platform of cohorts using thigh-worn accelerometry to explore the effects of physical activity, posture, and sleep patterns on a wide range of health outcomes. The objectives of the consortium are:
to establish a pooled data resource on physical activity, posture allocation, sleep, and health outcomes;
to develop methods for processing, harmonising, and pooling data of existing such studies;
to develop methods for collecting data for future studies (prospective harmonization);
The ultimate goal of the ProPASS consortium as a data resource is to promote collaborative individual participant and prospective meta-analyses on physical activity, posture, and sleep.
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Dr. Katzmarzyk is Professor and Associate Executive Director for Population and Public Health Sciences at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center where he holds the Marie Edana Corcoran Endowed Chair in Pediatric Obesity and Diabetes. Dr. Katzmarzyk is an internationally recognized leader in the field of physical activity and obesity, with a special emphasis on pediatrics and ethnic health disparities. He has over two decades of experience in conducting large clinical and population-based studies in children and adults.
He has published his research in more than 580 scholarly journals and books, and has delivered over 210 invited lectures in 16 countries. In addition to his research, Dr. Katzmarzyk plays a leading role in national health advocacy initiatives. He chairs the Research Advisory Committee for the U.S. Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth for the National Physical Activity Plan Alliance. He also recently served on the 2018 U.S. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the World Health Organization Guideline Development Group for the WHO 2020 Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Youth, Adults and Older Adults. In 2019 and 2020, Dr. Katzmarzyk was recognized as a highly cited researcher by the Web of Science.
This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring
Learn more about Fibion:
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Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
How to Coach for Better Biometrics? Health Coach Jason Gootman (Pt1) - Practitioner's Viewpoint Series
Jason is a Mayo Clinic certified wellness coach; he has a Master´s degree in exercise physiology and a certification in sports nutrition and strength and conditioning.
How to coach someone who wants to improve their biometrics like blood-sugar levels, blood pressure, and blood-cholesterol levels and on top of that improve their overall well-being via lifestyle improvements.
Within that topic we are going to touch on the role of automatic affective evaluations and a reflective attitude in motivation to exercise and physical activity.
This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring
Learn more about Fibion:
Collect, store and manage SB and PA data easily and remotely -
Discover new Fibion SENS Motion:
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Degrowth perspectives call for a serious rethinking of various areas of our social life and have been used in many domains, yet sport has not been one of them. What does degrowth imply for our recreational sporting activities or the sporting mega-events? What are we willing to give up and what can we keep in our sport cultures, when we are trying to stay within planetary boundaries? Do we even need to rethink the more fundamental meaning and value of sport in our lives and societies?
Alexandra Köves and Attila Szathmári have recently expanded the degrowth thinking into the world of sport. Our conversation mainly draws on their recent work, co-authored with Orsolya Herr, "The vision of sustainable sport in a backcasting research" (Economy & Society, 2021).
Dr Alexandra Köves is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Business Economics at Corvinus University of Budapest. She is an ecological economist researching Degrowth, sustainable employment and sustainable business. She is also hosting the podcast Economics for Rebels.
Attila Szathmári is a PhD candidate and Assistant Lecturer at the Institute of Business Economics at Corvinus University of Budapest and a Commentator on Eurosport. His work has explored sustainability, (elite) sport and Degrowth perspectives.
Liked this episode? You are likely to find the related episodes with Gunnar Breivik and Sigmund Loland interesting.
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Implementation of Thigh Worn Accelerometry (Pt1) - Propass Webinar - Dr Matt Brown and Prof. Mark Hamer
This is audio from ProPASS ECR network webinar. In the second webinar (24th November) we will hear from Dr Matt Brown and Prof. Mark Hamer on the implementation of thigh worn accelerometry in the 1970 British Cohort Study. In 2016 a biomedical sweep of the 1970 British Cohort study included 7 day thigh worn accelerometry measures. Matt and Mark's talk will focus on the implementation of the accelerometry data collection.
The Prospective Physical Activity, Sitting and Sleep consortium (ProPASS)
ProPASS is an international research collaboration platform of cohorts using thigh-worn accelerometry to explore the effects of physical activity, posture, and sleep patterns on a wide range of health outcomes. The objectives of the consortium are:
to establish a pooled data resource on physical activity, posture allocation, sleep, and health outcomes;
to develop methods for processing, harmonising, and pooling data of existing such studies;
to develop methods for collecting data for future studies (prospective harmonization);
The ultimate goal of the ProPASS consortium as a data resource is to promote collaborative individual participant and prospective meta-analyses on physical activity, posture, and sleep.
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Don’t Train for Football but Type of Football - Prof. Magni Mohr (Pt1)
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Prof Magni Mohr is currently Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of the Faroe Islands. He is running research projects in 20 different countries around the world. The topics include basic human physiology, exercise physiology, exercise is medicine, health promotion, fitness testing and training in elite team sports.
Magni has been active in communicating his research to the public through talks, interviews, popular science articles, seminars, public conferences, webinars etc. during nearly two decades, and has received the Faroese prize for public research presentation in 2018. In addition to this, he has won several international prizes for his research.
Magni is a former competitive football players and has worked for several large international football teams including Danish FC Brøndby, Italian Juventus FC, English Chelsea FC, Italian AC Milan, Chinese Shenzhen FC and Spanish Deportivo La Coruna, as well as the Danish and Cameroon National Teams. He is also a UEFA and FIFA instructor and teaches in pro-licence courses around the world.
This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring
Learn more about Fibion:
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Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Prof Magni Mohr is currently Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of the Faroe Islands. He is running research projects in 20 different countries around the world. The topics include basic human physiology, exercise physiology, exercise is medicine, health promotion, fitness testing and training in elite team sports.
Magni has been active in communicating his research to the public through talks, interviews, popular science articles, seminars, public conferences, webinars etc. during nearly two decades, and has received the Faroese prize for public research presentation in 2018. In addition to this, he has won several international prizes for his research.
Magni is a former competitive football players and has worked for several large international football teams including Danish FC Brøndby, Italian Juventus FC, English Chelsea FC, Italian AC Milan, Chinese Shenzhen FC and Spanish Deportivo La Coruna, as well as the Danish and Cameroon National Teams. He is also a UEFA and FIFA instructor and teaches in pro-licence courses around the world.
This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring
Learn more about Fibion:
Collect, store and manage SB and PA data easily and remotely -
Discover new Fibion SENS Motion:
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
In contemporary physical activity promotion, a quantitative and instrumental approach is the predominant perspective. From this view, physical activity needs to be promoted as a means to prevent various threats to physical and mental health produced by our sedentary lifestyles.
With Professor Sigmund Loland, we explore alternative framings that could help us imagine human movement, including mundane activities such as walking to work, in a different way. What if these activities, in addition to their well-documented health benefits, could help us develop a deeper sense of environmental interconnectedness, and the disposition to live and act in more sustainable ways?
Our conversation draws on Prof. Loland's recent article The poetics of everyday movement: Human movement ecology and urban walking.
Sigmund Loland is a professor of sport philosophy and ethics at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NIH), Oslo. He has published extensively in the area of sport philosophy and ethics, including questions about meaning in movement and ecological perspectives on sport.
5:07 Why do good ideas come when you are walking?
6:45 What is Human Movement Ecology
15:30 Can we cultivate our openness to ecological experiences?
23:50 Why children need "a serious" introduction to movement activities... and the joys of gliding sports
28:20 Boycotting sporting mega-events: does it achieve its aims?
Liked this episode? You are likely to find the episodes with Gunnar Breivik on deep ecological sport and with Simon Beames on outdoor education interesting.
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Analytical Techniques in Processing Physical Activity Data (Pt2) - ProPASS webinar - Dr Alex Rowlands and Dr Tatiana Plekhanova
Part 2. This is audio from ProPASS ECR network webinar. The theme of this first webinar series is measurement and in this first webinar of 3, we will hear from Dr Alex Rowlands and Dr Tatiana Plekhanova on analytical techniques in processing physical activity data.
The Prospective Physical Activity, Sitting and Sleep consortium (ProPASS)
ProPASS is an international research collaboration platform of cohorts using thigh-worn accelerometry to explore the effects of physical activity, posture, and sleep patterns on a wide range of health outcomes. The objectives of the consortium are:
to establish a pooled data resource on physical activity, posture allocation, sleep, and health outcomes;
to develop methods for processing, harmonising, and pooling data of existing such studies;
to develop methods for collecting data for future studies (prospective harmonization);
The ultimate goal of the ProPASS consortium as a data resource is to promote collaborative individual participant and prospective meta-analyses on physical activity, posture, and sleep.
Hello and Welcome to Physical Activity Researcher Podcast!
Physical Activity Researcher Podcast is the source of the latest research findings on all things related to physical activity, exercise, and health. World-renowned scientists and experts as guests in an informal and relaxed interview style format. The podcast is for anyone who likes to learn scientific and evidence-based knowledge of physical activity, exercise, and health.
Physical Activity Researcher Series
The latest research findings in exercise physiology, physical education, coaching sciences, sport psychology, epidemiology, and public health.
Meaningful Sport Series
Meaningful Sport is dedicated to the exploration of meaning and meaningful experiences in sport and physical activity.
Practitioner’s Viewpoint Series
Practitioner’s Viewpoint Series has health and fitness professionals as guests. This series is for you if you are a Personal Trainer, Physiotherapist, Medical Doctor, Health Coach, or anyone working as a health and fitness professional.
Podcast brought to you by
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Practitioner's Viewpoint Series Brought to You by
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